Wednesday, December 31, 2008

The Biggest Challenges for Entrepreneurs

By Thomas Griffin

When I saw the January issue of Entrepreneur Magazine I was thrilled. Cover copy had a teaser on it to the effect that entrepreneurs had been surveyed and inside were their answers. I was certain that, finally, someone was paying attention to entrepreneurs who were striving for a successful business. It was time to hear from us little guys!

I can't tell you how surprised I was as I began to read the article. Their idea of an "entrepreneur" and mine were as different as night and day. I always classified an entrepreneur as someone like the "Mom and Pop" coffee shop around the corner, the family run produce market in town, or the 18 to 24 year old who had come up with a fantastic "gizmo" and was scooped up into a corporation as their newest genius. Let me give you a quote from the article that will clue you into its idea of an "entrepreneur".

To explain the method used for the survey they state, "Entrepreneur magazine and PricewaterhouseCoopers "Entrepreneurial Challenges Survey" is an annual telephone survey of more than 300 CEOs of privately held, U.S.-based businesses recognized for their sustained, rapid growth. They average $31.5 million in annual revenue with an average of 185 employees, and have an ongoing annual growth rate of more than 23 percent......"

That definitely was not my picture of an entrepreneur. I don't know too many entrepreneurs who average $31.5 million annually, or employ 185 people. To me, that's a pretty successful company on its way to being a corporation. We should all be such entrepreneurs!

At any rate, I continued reading and I must say the information was worth the read, and the business of doing business can apply to those of us who aren't quite making that $31.5 million per year yet. Here's what the survey discovered.

What were considered their biggest challenges for 2006?

* 73% - Retention of key workers * 38% - Developing new products/services * 36% - Expansion to domestic markets * 35% - Increased productivity * 28% - Upgrading technology * 23% - Creating business alliances * 21% - Better management of cash flow * 14% - Expansion outside the U.S. * 13% - Improving risk management * 11% - Finding new financing * 11% - Buying another company or launching a spinoff * 7% - Preparing company for sale * 2% - Going public

Now when you stop and think about it, that's pretty much what most entrepreneurs think about each year. Maybe not to the extent of expanding to foreign markets or launching a spinoff, but to keep your business perking along the road of improvement - all the rest are considered.

The next part of the survey was interesting because entrepreneurs were given a list of several "wild-card" factors that could affect business in 2006. When asked which three would be most harmful to their business, here's what they said:

* 47% - Unstable U.S. economy * 43% - Rising health-care costs * 41% - Shortage of qualified workers * 40% - Weak market demand * 24% - Rising oil/energy costs * 24% - Rising interest rates * 22% - New government regulations * 18% - Weaker capital spending * 14% - Weakening world economy * 12% - Increased global competition * 11% - Decreased access to capital * 10% - Sudden drop in U.S. real estate market * 10% - Tax increases * 9% - Inflation

So maybe my entrepreneurs and those surveyed are not really that much different in thinking. The outlook of most entrepreneurs is probably optimistic, or will be unless more unforeseen disasters strike.

Even after the huge devastation of 9/11, within two quarters we were back to the same level of optimism as we had before. People get used to dealing with tough circumstances and factor them in, but are not swayed by them. When you really think about it; isn't that what most entrepreneurs are like?

If they're not, then they aren't entrepreneurs by my way of thinking.

About the Author:

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Why do many give up on their network business?

By John Wallen

To many this could be answered by one's self. Answer's like, I totally feel uninspired, I can't get my lazy bottom of the couch, I always start then lose my momentum. Why does this behavior over shadow and keep many from success?

How come they get started then give up, while there are those that don't? It was an awakening when I discovered the answer to this. The reasons for this became suddenly apparent, and the reason why my success over the past year became crystal clear as well.

Well the answer is pretty much this, and I know your going to roll your eyes and think to yourself, whatever. It's this, their are those that never give up, and maybe you've heard that from your upline, but if you don't manifest the desire to succeed. Well your probably thinking, I talk to people that have alot of desire to to create wealth, but it doesn't seem to get me anywhere.

And you're right. The difference is in their level of desire. The only time anything ever gets done in your life - When you follow it through to completion with a sense of urgency, is when you desire to accomplish that task at Core Level of 100 on a scale of 100.

They have to get it done, it consumes your thoughts. It keeps you moving forward each day, and these ar the core desires of growing a successful network no matter what. The desire will never go away even after each accomplishment you keep growing, it's a never ending desire to keep being successful.

Well, that pretty much is the secret. If you are trying to pay off debt, or maybe buy a new home, or just want to be your own boss, maybe even retire early, whatever your goal. Those are not core desire's and have nothing to do with building a home business or networking, and will only lead to failure.

It's sad, but simply the truth. Most get involved in the home business industry because of hope. They don't buy a business they buy hope. Hope is the opportunity seeker looking for the majic wand. These people are always undecided and let their emotions guide their life.

My suggestion for anyone that is really interested in building their home business, is change the way your looking at things. You need a real networkers mind set, and stop blaming everything outside yourself for your failures. My next suggestion is, get a system that really works and quit trying to sell. Learn how to market you are not a salesman!

About the Author:

Monday, December 29, 2008

Termination of Domestic Helper in Japan: Things You Need To Know

By Alice Sy

The services of domestic helpers in Asia are affordable. In fact, a lot of families are able to hire domestic helpers to help them with the daily tasks of maintaining the house.

The best means to find a domestic helper in Japan is by word of mouth. You can approach people you know and trust, such as your close friends or family members, if they know of someone who can work for you. There are also reputable manpower agencies you can approach, and they are willing to guide you when it comes to certain hiring and termination requirements and policies.

There are also many sites online to help you find a good and trusted domestic helper for your home. In some instances, these sites can even do the preliminary screening for you, as well as guide you in order to find the one that is just right for your needs.

You should know that Japanese employers are usually very particular when hiring and terminating domestic helper in Japan. Usually, there is a contract between employer and employee, and that has to be followed to the letter; in the event that the employee, or the domestic helper in this case, fails to submit to the agreement, it can be a cause for termination of domestic helper in Japan.

The termination of domestic helper in Japan can be prevented when there is a legal document and everything is clearly spelled out in black and white. As an employer, you should know how much is the minimum salary, as well as the benefits that your hired help is entitled to. For her end, the hired help must know what her specific duties are. You can conduct an interview so you can assess your applicant better.

Keep in mind that domestic helpers are usually protected by a contract that you, yourself, must abide to; thus terminating the services of a domestic helper in Japan without any basis is unjustifiable, and it can be taken against you.

On the other hand, domestic helpers must also understand that their employers can terminate their services any time if there are valid reasons to do so; thus, it is important that they do their job well.

The advantages of having a full time maid at home far outweigh the cost of maintaining one. You can practically enjoy your life more because there is someone dependable you can leave your house to. As much as possible, therefore, you should try to avoid terminating the services of a domestic helper for your own benefit.

About the Author:

Sunday, December 28, 2008

Renewable Energy : Will the UK's Windfarm Hype Become Reality?

By Tal Potishman

The government in the UK promised to reduce the country's carbon emissions by eighty percent by 2020 compared to 1990 levels. In recent weeks, however, the UK public opinion started to question the dedication of the government.

An influential website,, said in a recent article that BP, a large energy company with headquarters in the UK, is closing down its Chinese, Turkish, Indian and British projects and focusing their attention on the United States. The same article implies that approximately thirty percent of the energy supply for the UK is supposed to come from windfarms. There were calls from opinion leaders in the UK asking the government why it has allowed BP to focus on the US when it (the government) says the future of British energy is green.

The Guardian website included an article that touted Great Britain as one of the world's premier locations for the development of wind technology. Great Britain's wind technology popularity comes from its long coastline and the winds that have become famous around the globe.

This same article names a new partnership between two major wind technology companies, Iberdola Renewables and Vattenfall, which will be building a new wind farm in the UK. This wind farm will cost 780m pounds to build and have an expected output of 300MW. Is it the pulling out of BP that allows for this new joint venture to be built? Why is wind technology being left up to private enterprise if the government is supposed to be fully behind it?

More criticism has been lodged about the funding and difficult to understand planning that the government will need if it does, indeed, plan to invest so much of its attention to green energy. If wind farms are supposed to be responsible for thirty percent of the United Kingdom's energy supply, a large number of farms will need to be constructed to keep up with the energy demand. An independent group, The Carbon Trust, estimates that the building of these windfarms will need to speed up considerably and, at the same time; the project budget will need to cut about sixteen billion pounds from its original projections. A website called says that only twenty five percent of the windfarms the UK needs will actually be constructed by the self imposed 2020 deadline.

UK residents understand that the future of energy production lies with renewable energy and not the existing power grid. Renewable energy is more cost effective and is better for the environment than the current system. Still, with so many roadblocks in the way, each one of us should be wondering just how serious the UK government's commitment to renewable energy is. If it is truly committed why is the project slowing down and losing money? What is getting in the way of the 2020 goal?

About the Author:

Saturday, December 27, 2008


By Daton Caedea

Hello again and thanks for dropping in, it's good to see you. Now, where was I. That's right...ACTION. That's the word, the only word really, when it comes to stop thinking about it and do it. That's easy for you to say I hear you politely tell me. How do you expect me to do that!

Well straight off, I am the world's foremost authority when it comes to 'thinking about it' with absolute zero action. I spent years perfecting and nurturing it. If money was to made from this activity of "inactivity" I would be a zillionaire. It's so easy just to go off to some comfort zone and 'clock out' the real world.

Time enough though, when I clock back in to complain about my lot. You know, how hard done by I am and how life is so unfair. Why do I get all the bad luck and so on. It was only when my ship of life was in danger of sinking on a reef that serious action had to be taken. Man those pumps!

It doesn't take much to redirect your awareness from hibernation to awake. Especially when things go pear shaped. It's too easy to travel through one's life on a weekly/monthly basis, getting paid for a job that just about gets you through. What troubled me in particular was what was waiting for me nearer the time when you are told that you have to retire. What then?!!

All I did was float through the days to see my way through to the end of the week and payday. I negotiate my way home and carry on, with nothing. Then, at the end of my shift pattern, 3 days off,and...doing nothing. But I could always escape into the mystic world of media piped to me via the TV and stay comatosed.

Every time I think of this it scares me. I'm not just saying that. I don't want to be like the rest of this world where you are expected to go to work, get paid a bit of money and repeat. For the rest of your life. No thank you. I want a life. I WANT A LIFE! A life with a present and a future. Work on the present, the future will follow. Do it right and the life gets even better.

So, as aforementioned, it will be my quest (and pleasure) to explore the countless ways that we can do something and make something, of our lives. Primarily, this will be via the powerful device you have at your fingertips. You think I'm going to say your computer and the net, don't you clever clogs. You are half right. By far the most powerful, most formidable gizmo you have in the 'ol your brain.

So, off we go. You can do it. I repeat, you can do it! If they can do it, you can do it. You are doing it now by reading this. In some small way it will lead to bigger things.

Hang in there,see you next time.

About the Author:

Friday, December 26, 2008

Money with Articles Marketing - How Much Can I Make

By Arcol Mertin

Fourth, if you opt for a large website that you will focus most of your internet marketing career on, you will also need to know how to market your website to your intended audience through paid banner ads and text links. If you prefer very small 2-5 page niche sites, then promoting all of them this way will not be cost effective and will eat up more profits than it is worth.

If you can capture some of these skills and attack them aggressively during your first few small websites or the first few months of a larger website, then you will eventually become an expert. Since you can learn the ropes first hand on your own, the only thing that you will need to do before you begin your new career is to read up on how to get started (maybe purchase an internet marketing e-book or two) and make sure that you have the funds available to start a small site.

First, you will need to know how to pick out the correct articles to make your sites successful. There are many types of content, from free content to high dollar content, and each comes with its own advantages and disadvantages (although high dollar content is more likely to give you a successful site in the end).

First, you will need to know how to pick out the correct articles to make your sites successful. There are many types of content, from free content to high dollar content, and each comes with its own advantages and disadvantages (although high dollar content is more likely to give you a successful site in the end).

Second, you will need to know how to choose keywords that can help you get a good amount of traffic, without being too competitive to get on the first or second page. If you choose highly competitive keywords that are used by large, mammoth website, you are likely to never get up to those much needed first two pages.

When you are trying to make money with articles, the beauty of it is that you don't really need previous career related experience and that you can learn the ropes as you go. That being said, there are some skills that you will need to teach yourself or pick up along the way to make your sites successful. You can't go in not knowing anything, not learning anything, and still expect to make a good income (or any income at all).

About the Author:

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Affiliate Articles - pick an affiliate

By Arcol Mertin

You can do this by receiving part of the revenue off of sales that the company gets from people who "click through" from your website via the company's links that are placed on your pages. If you can either write articles or have the promotion and marketing knowledge to publicize articles that others write, becoming an affiliate for several companies may be a great way for you to generate a good income right from your own home.

Since you will be promoting a product or service, you will need a killer sales pitch and website content to get your readers interested in the product, convince them that they cannot live without the product, and to keep them coming back to your website time and time again for more recommendations and your useful content, which will get them clicking on your links once again. Although many affiliate companies only give you money off of the first sale you make from each customer, you have the option of promoting a good range of companies so that you can still make a profit off of your returning customers.

If you cannot write this kind of content of your own, there are many ways to pick up free or paid content to place on your affiliate website. There are many reasons why paying for such articles would be to your advantage. First, you will be able to tell the writer exactly what you want, what product you are trying to sell, and what direction they can go in to keep your readers interested and informed. On the other hand, when you search for free content, you are limited to what is already out there. Secondly, you will own the copyright to this content. That means that no one else can reuse it without your consent. If you opt for free content, you will be sharing that content with an unknown amount of other affiliate websites, plus the original author will be able to place their byline at the bottom of the article which could result in them stealing your traffic.

There are several types of affiliates and some will offer you more money from a sale than others will. Before you get hazy-eyed by dollar signs, however, remember some products are bound to sell more than others. If you sell on product four times a year from a little known company that gives you $100 per sale or sell a well known product 3 times a week at the rate of $10 per sale, then you will make much more money with the $10 per sale product. Often times large well known companies will offer a very small profit per sale because they are established and know that their product is likely to sell well. Small, unknown companies, on the other hand, need all of the promotion they can get. Also, because they are unknown, their products are likely to sell less frequently. When you pick an affiliate, it is important that you determine which companies you will profit best from based on the frequency that the product is likely to sell.

To make money with articles that you place on websites, you will also need a variety of good affiliate links that will help to generate revenue. It is important that you know where to find affiliates and that you choose the best affiliates for you and your niche site.

When you pick an affiliate, it is important that you determine which companies you will profit best from based on the frequency that the product is likely to sell. There are several types of affiliates and some will offer you more money from a sale than others will. Before you get hazy-eyed by dollar signs, however, remember some products are bound to sell more than others. If you sell on product four times a year from a little known company that gives you $100 per sale or sell a well known product 3 times a week at the rate of $10 per sale, then you will make much more money with the $10 per sale product. Often times large well known companies will offer a very small profit per sale because they are established and know that their product is likely to sell well. Small, unknown companies, on the other hand, need all of the promotion they can get. Also, because they are unknown, their products are likely to sell less frequently.

About the Author:

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Legitimate Work At Home Jobs Are They Right For You?

By Graham Williams

Thousands of people have found success by utilizing legitimate work at home job opportunities. You can also enjoy the benefits of legitimate work at home, if you are prepared to spend few hours daily doing the required work. These job opportunities are suitable for stay at home parents who want to care for their children, students, retired, disabled persons and those who need to take care of a elderly or sick family member at home.

If you are not able to step out of home to get a job, but want to get relief from the stress of increasing bills, gas costs and inflation, then a work at home job is perfect for you. There are many intermediaries available online that can assist you get suitable home based work, that earns you decent income. You would as well be able to select part time or full time jobs according to your convenience.

In order to start working at home, you want a modern computer with internet connection and a telephone. Basic computer knowledge will be wanted. However if you want to do jobs like computer programming, web or graphic designing, then previous experience in the respective field will be necessary. You can apply for many of these jobs and can get training online without even stepping out of your home. Even So take time while making a resume, since a good one can really help you land the job you desire.

Before starting a search for a work, you must understand that it is just like any other job where you have an employer, requirements and sometimes even schedules.

Transcription, customer service, translation, medical billing, clerical and data entry jobs are most suitable home based legitimate work that can supply you a decent income. You can choose according to your ability and convenience. Most of the companies outsource this types of work part time and full time.

This type of employment is perfect for those who wish to change their financial situation without compromising the time spent with there family. This of work type is 100% risk free and so you can begin applying for a suitable job, without worry. Another alternative open to you would be to turn your hobbies in to a legitimate home based business.

There are many websites available on the net, which can assist you to select legitimate home based jobs.

About the Author:

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

How To Choose Reliable Professional Dropshipping Companies

By Thomas Griffin

Finding a reliable drop ship supplier is actually one of the most important steps in launching a drop ship business. Essentially, it requires certain research. Where can you start from? I guess the best way is to start with the research of your industry niche. One more area to learn more about is drop ship services as such. Once you get familiar with these spheres, you'll find it easier to select a reliable company to establish reciprocal relationship with.

Your next step should be coming up with the type of goods you expect a drop ship supplier to provide. You should also pay attention to the services offered by the supplier and make sure they meet your requirements.

Then, browse the Web for some helpful reviews, for your to get a basic idea of several drop ship suppliers you consider. Be sure to look through special comparison charts that will provide you with some personalized idea of what those companies are. After combining the information from charts and online reviews, you'll be able to judge about this or that company on the basis of other people's individual experience of dealing with it.

Your next step would be examining the websites of each supplier. There, you'll get an idea of their services, products, and prices, customer support, history and working experience, learn more about their payment system, read testimonials, etc.

While examining suppliers' websites, pay attention to the simplicity and convenience of navigation. This aspect is important for you to quickly find the necessary products once you start your drop ship business. Note the suppliers' shipping fees, monthly or yearly fees, and average prices on goods. Checking and comparing such aspects will help you decide which drop ship supplier is the most attractive choice. All in all, your primary considerations should be the prices on products and service fees, both of which should be as low as possible.

Narrowing Your Choice

As a result of your research, you should be able to come up with one drop ship supplier. If that company offers an opportunity of a free trial, it would be icing on the cake. But even if they don't, it's very likely that you'll still feel comfortable with that supplier due to their policy and service fees.

One more useful tip is that you check what goods from the supplier tend to sell especially well. This will help you decide on the products to sell. By the way, don't forget to research prices charged on goods by your competitors. At the start of your business, you should try to set prices that will be lower than those charged by your competitors. Thus you'll be able to draw more customers. In fact, setting affordable prices when you are starting with a drop ship business is quite simple, since you don't have to get your initial investment get paid off as soon as possible.

Hopefully, you'll be able to come up with the choice of reputable drop ship supplier and launch your successful online business!

About the Author:

Monday, December 22, 2008

How to Succeed at Internet Affiliate Programs

By Richard Steaney

There are many great benefits to be achieved from being involved in internet marketing. You can work from the comfort of your own home and make a great income at the same time. Obviously if this is going to happen, you need to be a successful affiliate.

When you enter the world of online affiliate programs you will want to ensure your success. It will not happen for you overnight; you will have to work for it. Do not expect to get rich overnight.

There are many people who never make affiliate marketing work. So if you want to avoid being a failure and you want to learn to succeed, here are some steps to success that you need to follow.

Marketing Resources Should Be Provided By The Vendor

If you want to be a success at the internet affiliate programs you're involved in, then you will want to ensure that the company you work with provides marketing resources. The best affiliate companies to work with do provide you with top resources and tools that will help you become a success.

If you choose a merchant that provides marketing resources, it is easier to be a success. You might get web copy and banners and all you have to do is to use them.

Set Your Work Hours Precisely

It is essential to set strict hours to work each day if you want to be successful at affiliate marketing. This applies, no matter what kind of program you are working with. You will need to get the work done and the fact that you are working at home does not mean you can cut your hours or let other things interfere. Work is work, wherever you do it, and allocating strict working hours to your affiliate program contributes to your success.

Work with a Mentor in the Business

Working with a mentor can be a great help when you want to succeed at internet affiliate programs. A good mentor can share experience and provide you with insider tips that you can use to become a success yourself. Just make sure you choose a mentor that has been a success.

Continually Work On Your Traffic Building Techniques

As an affiliate marketer you will continually work on your traffic building techniques in order to succeed. You will never make any money if you do not have any internet traffic to your website. No matter the online affiliate marketing program you work, you will increase your traffic for the best results in earnings.

If you use the above steps, you can become more successful and organized and this should boost your affiliate income. Using these tips can make the difference between small earnings and large ones and the excitement from making good earnings can spur you on to work even harder and achieve even more success.

About the Author:

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Can You Locate A Profitable Blog Niche?

By Teddy Bigio

Finding your blogging niche should be one of the aspects of blogging which the blogger carefully considers before starting a blog. This is especially important if the blogging is being done for the purpose of financial compensation. Ideally a blog owner should select a blog subject about which they are passionate and knowledgeable. However, bloggers should also carefully consider the direct competition as well as the purpose of the blog before starting their blog.

What we'll be learning in this article is the process in which you'll use to find a profitable niche. There are a lot of niches out there. The problem is, most are not profitable or very difficult to monetize. Our goal here is to find the ones that are under utilized and have an income potential better than average.

Singling Out Your Interest That May Be Profitable

To get started, make a list of your interest. Now, before you put down something like Make Money Online, be aware that this niche is very competitive and abused. It seems like every blogger out there wants to start a blog about making money online. Forget it! There are other niches that will be just as profitable and far less competitive. It may take you years, if ever, to become profitable in this niche. Instead, search your interest. Do you like to cook? Play soccer? Travel? Perhaps you love woodworking? Believe it or not, once you dominate niches like these, they can be every bit as profitable as the make money online niche.

Do not get discouraged if your interest is not a wildly popular one. As long as you dominate your niche, you can be profitable. If the niche you choose isn't a hugely popular one, then start another blog on another interest of yours. I have a friend who blogs about working on his Muscle Cars. With the price of gas these days, you'd think there wouldn't be much interest. But on an average day his blog receiveds over 2000 unique visitors. His income from this blog is about $1300 per month and steadily climbing. Did he start the blog to make money? No. He started it because he likes working on old cars and wanted to share his knowledge with others. This is the secret of successful blogging!

Sizing Up Your Competition

You should now have several specific ideas for a blog. Now you need to go out and see how much competition there is for each interest you have. Start by going to Google and searching for other blogs on your interest. See how many other websites and blogs there are about your interest. This will allow you to see who your competition is and whether or not the niche is saturated (like the make money online niche).

Deciding What the Purpose of Your Blog Should Be

Blogs can be created for any number of purposes. Politicians use them to get their message out. Activist use them to recruit and energize members. Some of us use them to make our income from them. There are any number of reasons for starting a blog. Why is this important? Because if you're starting a blog to make money, you need to make sure there is enough interest in your subject to drive traffic to your blog. Traffic will be what makes you money. Without traffic, there will be no money coming in from your blog!

Now having said that, I can't tell you how important it is that you choose a niche that is capable of driving traffic to your blog. Don't think that just because a topic is popular, that you'll be successful. Many new bloggers in the make money online niche end up failing miserably because they never took into account the difficulty in getting their blogs ranked high enough to generate traffic. This is probably one of the most saturated niches on the Internet and I continually see new bloggers waste time and money on it when they could have already dominated a different niche and be making money from it.

About the Author:

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Unique Article Wizard Provides Unique Content and Unique Articles

By Article Wizard Success

Unique Article Wizard's unique article submissions will explode your profits almost overnight whether you're promoting affiliate programs, selling a product, adsense ads or other advertising. Discover the hidden source of targeted traffic that unearths eager buying customers.

With so many competing sites on the web, you need to learn how to attract potential customers. Forget submitting your site to hordes of search engines, forums, traffic courses and classified ads when all you need is Unique Article Wizard.

The fact is that this strategy is much more reliable than any other strategy on the internet. Use it consistently and you are guaranteed to succeed.

On the internet it is not just about providing content, it is about providing unique content and that is where all the submission services fall down. Every one of them sends out duplicate content all over the place.

On the internet it is not just about providing content, it is about providing unique content and that is where all the submission services fall down. Every one of them sends out duplicate content.

All that content all over the web is like pure honey for search engines. That is what search engines do best, discover unique content and provide it to the searching public.

Not only unique content, but there are also correctly formatted links in it that point back to your website. Not one or two, but hundreds. Over time, not hundreds but thousands and tens of thousands. Now the search engines love you even more! So guess where they list you on their search results? Number One! All done exclusively by article submission.

Unique Article Wizard submits to more article directories, announcement groups, and ezine publishers than any other submission service. You know more visitors plus more credibility equal more sales & more profit.

About the Author:

Friday, December 19, 2008

What You Need To Know About Wholesale Dropshipping

By Thomas Griffin

As ecommerce grows everyday, people are looking for ways to benefit from the great potential the internet has to offer. For new commers to e-commerce or ebay selling, the hardest step is to find legit and reliable wholesale products suppliers. Drop shipping is a quick and easy solution that can get you up and running fast, but you have to do it right or you can easily fail. In many cases, ecommerce startups fail misreably for lack of research and planning. My goal in this article is to explain how drop shipping works. I'm also going to explain the pros and cons of dropshipping, What you need to do before even contacting your first supplier, and how you can avoid the most common mistakes that beginners make.

But what is drop shipping anyways?

When you dropship products, you essentially have an arrangement with your wholesale supplier where by they ship your orders directly to your customers. In most cases, they will include your company name on the shipping labels instead of theirs. Some wholesalers provide this service for free while others charge a nominal fee for it. So, what does dropshipping mean for your business? Let me tell you!

Why Drop Ship Products?

There are many advantages of using dropshippers when selling online. Here are a few of them:

You essentially get customers orders before you order them from your suppliers. This means that your initial investment is minimal, and in some cases none.

No inventory to hold. This by itself is one of the big pros of drop shipping. You don't have to pay for storage fees, or invest in expensive merchandise, that might stay around for a while before it is sold.

You can diversify your offerings as much as you want. You are only limited by finding the right dropshippers for the merchandise you want to sell.

Sounds good you say, but is there any disadvantages? Well this is life, and as any other thing in life you should expect some cons.

Why Not Drop Ship?

Obviously, there are also some cons that you have to consider. here is an idea about some of them:

A lot of middle-men and scam suppliers. This is a big problem now, a lot of wholesaler wanna-bes are springing on the internet everyday. You have to watch out when choosing your drop shippers.

Inventory volatility. In some cases, you might get an order for a product that is out of stock. You have to either refund your customer or have them wait longer than usual if the wait is not too long.

Smaller profit margins. This is a major one as it directly affects your bottom-line. Like I mentioned before, many internet dropshippers are middle-men that are basically drop shipping to you! For that reason, they don't have the best profit margins, if any.

Customer service issues and returns. Your customers don't know your suppliers, they know you. When they have any issue or request such as a refund, they will direct it to you. In that case you have to deal with those issue transparently and professionally. This might mean losses for you at times.

You cannot control the quality, shipping times, customer service response of your suppliers. This might hurt your business at times, when you can't do anything about it.

What to DO Before Searching For Wholesalers

Well I didn't want to make things look so gloomy for your future online ventures, but a reality check is needed before taking any serious steps. Now you might ask, should I forget about drop shipping? My answer is NO. If done right, dropshippping could be a very effective strategy at least for jump starting your business. My advise is, if you are just starting out, and you don't have a lot of money up front, consider to drop ship your products. That doesn't mean that you jump at the first drop shipper that comes your way. You need to do your homework and find good quality products and good reliable and most importantly legitimate wholesalers that offer drop shipping services.

Before you jump into finding drop shippers, decide which products you want to sell. Go to,, and, and search for those products. Study your competition and pricing. Look how your competitors are pricing their merchandise. Record a price range for all the products you might consider selling. Also, try to read some product reviews, and merchant ratings if avialable.

On ebay look at how the sellers are laying out thier auction pages, and who's selling, and what kind of demand exists. This is an essential step before even looking for wholesalers. When you do this you will also be able to see how popular differnet products are. On ebay you can tell by the number of bidders. On comparison shopping sites, you can look at their popular products sections, which will give you an idea about what consumers are buying.

In conclusion, study your market and choose your products before you begin selling a single item. If you are on a shoe string budget, then consider drop shipping your products using reliable and legit wholesale suppliers.

If you have some capital to invest I would advice buy bulk wholesale. You will get better prices for actually buying the merchandise. On the other hand that also means arranging a storage space...etc. So, decide what you will sell carefully and test different products first, ad then move forward with an expansion startegy.

Good luck with your ecommerce ventures.

About the Author:

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Home Based Businesses - When Did Customer Service Breakup

By Thomas Griffin

We've all had friends in our circle who were known as "Mary & John", and when "John" split "Mary" was alone. Mary was the "odd" number at the dinner party and we were all concerned about her. Well, today it seems that the union of Customer & Service have had a breakup. Service has split and Customer is on his/her own.

Today, let me tell you a story that many of you will find humorous but is all too common. I can tell you this without fear of our local editor getting sued because it's about me, but business owners take note that you don't fit the profile of company "X".

Four weeks ago I decided that I needed another green recycling can from my trash pickup company. We'll call them Brown Keg Trash Pickup, an anonymous company in the interest of avoiding litigation. I called their Customer Service number, and as an environmentally conscious citizen requested my extra recycle can. The cheerful voice on the other end of the line chirped, "Of course, we'll have one delivered in 48 hours." After giving her all the pertinent location information, I hung up the phone with the satisfied feeling of a good citizen.

I arrived home about 5 p.m. the next day and I was happy to see another green can at the mouth of my driveway. When I looked again, I noticed that I had another green can - but it was without a lid. I quickly dialed my cheerful telephone voice at Brown Keg Company thanking her graciously for the rapid service and then told her about the missing lid. Just as cheerfully as the first time, she told me to leave it at the end of my driveway after my usual trash pickup and they would replace the entire unit since they didn't have extra lids. I agreed, and after hanging up the phone I pondered their plight of having lidless cans but no extra lids. I conjured up all sorts of scenarios that explained where all the lids to the lidless cans went, and sympathized with their predicament.

Well, 3 days went by and there sat my poor, green, lidless can at my driveway's mouth and a replacement never arrived. Feeling empathy for this green plastic waif, I returned it to the side of it's brother that had a lid. I called my cheerful Customer Service voice again, and reiterated the plight of my poor lidless can and after a chuckle she assured me a complete unit would be forthcoming. I found it necessary to make use of my lidless friend, and put it out the next pickup day filled to the brim. Fortunately, it wasn't windy and all the contents remained inside it. That was 2 weeks ago, and life being what it is other more important tasks have occupied me until this morning when facing another pickup day I thought of my lidless friend.

Once more I picked up the phone and called my trash pickup company, and this time I listened to a litany of choices of buttons I could punch and chose my cheerful Customer Service button again. I was transferred, listened to a brief melody when there was a "click" and I expected my cheerful voice to chirp "hello". The next thing I heard was another click, silence, and then the dreaded dial tone that means you've been disconnected. Not being one of the "fainthearted", I simply redialed my number. Again there was the litany of button choices, my choice and the music, and just when I began to feel that all was right with the world I heard - "click", "dial tone" and nothing.

This was not the morning for the phone to be playing games with me, so I made one more determined effort and REDIALED! "NASA, we have lift-off !" I once more heard the litany of button choices, but this time I outfoxed that monotonous voice and punched "0". I asked for the Manager of Customer Service, I was given her name and was transferred. What greeted my eager ear was, "You've reached the voicemail of ......., please leave your name and number and she'll return your call."

So here we sit - my lidless, green can and I facing another pick-up day. This eager-to-serve plastic green waif must bravely face another dutiful day half-clothed.

You must admit that is an amusing story, and one that far too many of us have lived through, but what a sad commentary it is about our business community. Doesn't it make you wonder if our language has changed so drastically that what we interpret "Customer Service" to mean - is not what today's business owners mean. It makes me wonder when the marriage of Customer and Service broke-up, leaving us all the lonely ones.

Entrepreneurs and business owners take note! If you're going to have a number for your customers to access your Customer Service, please follow these rules.

* Have the phone manned by an employee that can hear thunder and see lightening. * Give that employee training in helping the caller and not shuffling the problem to another desk. * Have an overseer, who can also hear thunder and see lightening, check that all incoming complaints were handled appropriately.

After learning how to find your customers and what they want; after getting them committed to doing business with YOU; and after wooing them to keep them as your customers - WHY WOULD YOU LET "SERVICE" DIVORCE "CUSTOMER?"

If your customers aren't getting the service they require from you - your competitor will be only too happy to help them!

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Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Why Work From Home During This Financial Crisis

By Rebecca Holman

During this financial crisis have you considered working at home? It can be a great thing at any time, but especially during periods of financial crisis such as this one. If you look around you at the world, the economy is currently in a detrimental state. Many folks that had a regular job like you, may have ended up getting laid off. With at home employment you really would not have to worry about this because you are your own boss.

You may not be sure of at home employment or perhaps you have tried it before and found only scams, but you should know that you can most certainly work from home and make a living, even if only for a meantime.

There are some people out there who are making more than the average person does full time by working at home, and so this is definitely something that you should be interested in. If this is something that sounds like it would be a good idea for you, then here are a few ideas that you may want to try.

Researching: Researching is a great idea for at home employment, and all you really need is access to a computer and the Internet. So you will be paying very little out each month, but can end up bringing the same amount as you would get from full time work as income, as long as you find a good company to go through.

An important item to consider if you do decide to go the route of researching as your at home employment is keep track of your hours. Being self employed you will be expected to manage your own time to make sure that you are getting paid correctly for the work you are doing. The nice thing is that you have flexible hours unlike if you were working at a regular job.

Blogging: Is another great option. It has become a really popular work at home opportunity for folks that have internet. Since you can do this from home any time of the day or night it seems almost everyone is blogging about something. As blogger, you will be writing out text box structures for easy entry of content to publish quickly. The great thing is that there is no end to the types of blogs you can do.

Start Your Own Business: Now if you are really ambitious, you may want to start up your own business. I highly recommend that you read the best seller "Cash Flow Quadrant" by Robert Kiyosaki to understand the road ahead. This does not even have to require a lot of finances, and this is a great idea for at home employment. You can start any type of business, just make sure that it is something that you really enjoy and which you are not going to grow bored of after a while.

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Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Legitimate Business Idea - Property Tax Consulting

By Wendy Shafferson

Aiding taxpayers|Helping homeowners lower their property tax assessments as a part-time business idea can be a good if not the best home based business opportunity for many. A lot of people are struggling to keep up with property tax increases. Bankruptcies are being filed and people are losing their houses. People shouldn't be paying taxes higher than what their properties are worth.

High property assessments usually go unchallenged because most people lack the time, energy or know how to tackle the job. Many a homeowner would love to have someone that this home business offers to look over their property tax assessments. Glaring errors exist especially with the decrease in comparable home prices. A property tax consultant helps people contest these inaccuracies.

A property tax consultant works on a contingency. This means that the service does not cost the customer homeowner any money (other than a small process fee) unless you achieve a property tax reduction for them.

If you win the assessment appeal, the client rewards you with a portion of the property tax reduction. It doesn't cost the homeowner anything unless you work a win for them ... and it is relatively simple to win.

The amount of savings you reduce the homeowner's property taxes by is your fee. For instance, if the property taxes were $9,000 and you saved the client 22% on their assessment, your fee would be $1,980. Generally you structure the payment due over a 2 or 3 year period.

With housing prices falling, finding comparable sold homes to make your point to the tax authorities is easy. This is an excellent time to start this business opportunity. The process is straight forward and upon making a favorable explanation you should be able to get property taxes reduced for your client.

Charge a small one-time fee to help offset your overhead costs. When you are starting out, this is helpful. You'll want to cherry pick the more expensive homes and those cases you feel you have the best chances to win.

A lot of people are distressed over their high property tax bill and finding customers is quite easy. This little known business opportunity is a blessing for the homeowner. Local government is generally constantly raising their tax amounts instead of cutting back.

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Monday, December 15, 2008

Credit Cards: How To Avoid Debts

By Don Pedro

Credit card has been granted to be the sign of elegance in the past. But with the advancement of time and because of the increasing popularity and hassle free buying powers it has become part and parcel of many of us. Even though credit card gives you a sense of freedom, there is always a maximum limit that you wont be allowed to exceed. And spending without keeping an account often leads people to credit card debt.

Credit card debt can become hazardous in times. And when the debts of more many cards have been transferred to another credit card which is new is called consolidate credit card debt. Unlike other debts, credit card debts can be desired sometimes and its sometimes popular among those people who wants their credit cards maximum grant limit increased.

Sometimes even people are rather willing to go on debt with their credit card, simply because it gives them better chance to get the increment on credit card limit. Whatever, a credit card has becoming an essential part in the busy day-to-day life as it can save a lot of time and hazards. You now need to simply log in to the internet and buy whatever you need sitting before your PC.

The most common fact that many of the credit card holders suffer from is credit card debt. And those who usually do not like keeping account of their card balance while buying are most likely to run into a debt.

Business credit cards offer more flexibility and some more added facilities than the ordinary cards, which includes keeping track of business costs or providing someone with his account of transactions. These reports are useful to keep records or simply to do some studies.

Credit cards safety issues are sometimes a big headache for the holder. Specially when it comes to online buying. There are always frauds or fake sites ready to get your card information to leak money from your account. So, whenever you go to buy something online, make sure the seller is authentic and there are enough security measures available.

If you want a list of the most widely accepted credit cards, here are the names for you -America express, citi, diners club, JCB, MasterCard, visa and Discover.

When you get the first credit card in your hand, remember that is not the key to financial liberty or its not a mean for spending without knowing about your expenditure, but those who can use their credit cards most wisely are sure to do better in their financial life afterwards.

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Sunday, December 14, 2008

Tocs Cash Gifting Can Work For You

By Tom O

There are differing opinions on whether or not cash gifting is a scam. It depends on who you talk as to if it is profitable or a complete waste of money. The truth is that there are people that are earning money with these systems.

Since the internet is littered with scams, people tend to go with what is popular, what works best, and what has been proven to be legitimate. All though this is a safe way to go, there are also many new programs that are getting more known and are proven to work.

TOCS Cash gifting is a fairly new system, but you can go into any cash gifting forum and they are buzzing about this plan. TOCS or The Overnight Cash System is structured like many other 1 up systems, but the TOCS is known for their one on one approach to coaching new members.

There are many advantages and disadvantages to the program. For example it is good that this program offers current marketing techniques to its users. However a negative aspect to the program is the overall public perception of cash gifting systems in general. This makes it difficult for the program to grow since people are hesitant to join.

You can join TOCS for an initial investment of five hundred dollars plus fees. The fees will be relevant to the level you want to pursue and for marketing which could include a website. If you wish to begin with more money you can do so but the majority of the programs require at least five hundred dollars.

This may seem like a lot, but you have to realize that if you were starting your own home business, you would have to invest money. It is all a gamble. You have to access if there will be a high probability that you will get your investment back.

Although a TOCS system may generate a higher earnings potential, many people that you will find in a cash gifting forum will advise you to start out with an affordable acsh gifting system. Some systems claim they can turn $100 into $83,100.

Scamming is illegal, cash gifting is not. According to the IRS 2002 annual gift tax exclusion code, taxpayers can give up to $11,000 a year per recipient with no limitations to the amount of recipient or what relation you are to them.

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Saturday, December 13, 2008

Business Tips - How To Start An Online Business

By Jan Maurer

Within this article today on how to start an online business, we will look at what must be done to succeed online. This formula is very simple and one that people does not pay enough attention to. By explaining what to look for online, this will be a good way for you to learn how to start an online business.

When you'll have been seeking during how to begin an online business, you'll initial wish to demeanour during a sold margin which we have been meddlesome in. You'll wish to see either or not there is a great understanding of foe out there since this could begin your preference to get in to which sold field. When we have been determining to begin an online business, we customarily wish to demeanour for a margin in which there is reduction foe so which we can come in with poor though in effect selling as great as browbeat which niche. It is mostly simpler to be a large fish in a tiny pool rather than a tiny fish in a large pond.

You can decide to sell products online which you can find through wholesale distributors. You are healthy to advertise on your website and sell advertising using programs such as Google's Ad sense. You can even sell your products through storefronts at Yahoo, eBay, or Amazon websites.

Another key when you are looking at how to start an online business is to make sure that you are continually testing and retesting your website. Once you design your website, you cannot sit back and move for the income to comment. You want to test and retest the difference ways in which you have your pages and website built to make sure that you are taking advantage of the traffic coming into your website. If you do not do this, you are leaving money on the table.

The final key when looking at how to start an online business is how you decide to market your website. There are many companies which you are able to buy traffic from at a very cheap price and this can be a good way to supplement your natural search engine traffic. The way to build natural search engine traffic is through content and developing back links. Back links are links from other websites to yours so that when search engine search bots are indexing WebPages, they will find the links to your web site and index your pages.

If you work on finding and underserved niche, it is easier to pay for traffic bought from Internet marketing firms as well as move your way up in the natural search engine pages. You want to make sure that you are developing both a good site and its contents of the people will want to read what they find and then continually return to your website. This is a simple formula in your search on how to start an online business.

About the Author:

Friday, December 12, 2008

Sales and Marketing Tips for Heating and Plumbing Business Owners

By Tal Potishman

A steady flow of clients and customers is what every small business needs to remain competitive and survive in today's market. This is especially true of small, independently owned heating and plumbing businesses that do not have a company brand to rely upon and only have a small number of staff to make sure that the business runs smoothly. To compete in a modern market and to bring in new clients and customers, the owners of small businesses need to learn how to stretch a smaller marketing budget.

These are five useful tips that should help the small and independent business owners stay competitive in the UK plumbing and heating market.

1. Realize that marketing is a marathon and not a sprint. Marketing is not meant to be a quick fix. Real sales marketing takes commitment and patience. Business owners need to make sure that their company's marketing message is obvious in everything that is related to your business (employee uniforms, stationery, logo painted on the company car, business cards, etc). The more visible a company's marketing, the more customers it will attract.

2. The customer's happiness is a business owner's first priority. When the customer is happy he or she is more likely to recommend a company to friends and family members in need of that company's services. "Word of mouth" press is a valuable business asset, especially for independent business owners. Do more than your customers expect or hope for to keep them happy!

3. Avoid price fluctuations. If a project is going to cost more than originally estimated, notify the customer immediately and let him decide if he has the budget to continue. Offer a discount to keep his business and avoid raising the quoted cost as much as possible.

4. Pay attention to the company's business referral sources: advertisements, phone book listing, client referral, walk-ins, etc. Doing so can help small business owners avoid paying too much money for a marketing effort that is not working.

5. A website is imperative. Most professionals in the heating and plumbing industry do not realize just how much having a website can increase the business's profits. The website does not need to be fancy, but it does need to be functional. This is how most potential clients will research your company. A website will help customers learn about you on their own time and will be more likely to attract first time customers than any other marketing tactic.

These are some simple marketing ideas that all small business owners can put into practice today, to help them in the short run in a difficult economic climate as well as the long run in any climate.

About the Author:

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Locating And Taking Advantage Of The Best Credit Cards Available

By Chris Channing

Most people will qualify for credit card offers made by various companies. People in both bad credit situations and great credit situations have equal opportunity to get a credit card offer from the same company. There is such abundance in card opportunities, you may not know what to apply for.

Credit cards are a two way sword for some people. Responsible credit card owners will have the advantage of spreading out their money with credit and paying it all back to get the things they want sooner. People with bad spending habits and a low income may want to stay away from credit card offers. Credit cards are just a way of offering you a loan based on your credit score and history. Many new card users do not have a history and can get a basic card to help build their credit.

Credit card offers are available everywhere, even advertised freely throughout the internet. Going to the main website of a credit card issuer may get you a card more quickly. If you sign up through an affiliate or card issuer that is associated with the main bank for the credit card company, you may be able to take advantage of special promotions.

There are credit cards that offer a cash back option when you decide to make purchases with the card. The amount you spend earns you a percentage that will be applied to your credit or sent to you as a check if you do not have a balance. This can be helpful to those who spend a lot and can manage their finances well as they would be earning money on purchases they otherwise would have made anyways.

Many card issuers are now offering rewards programs where you can accumulate points to use towards purchasing airplane tickets or for use in a lot of different ways. They offer you a certain amount of points per dollar spent when you are required to make a signature credit purchase. This can come in handy for those who travel a lot and like to travel for free.

You can insure that you get lower interest rates for any type of credit card by keeping your credit score and history in check. Making sure to pay off any debt obligations make it possible for you to keep your credit in good standing as well as allowing your credit to grow over time.

Closing Comments

The best credit cards are out there for the taking. You can decide to apply for just one, or maybe many of the different credit card options available to compare the services that they provide.

About the Author:

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Getting Started With Making Money on eBay

By Thomas Griffin

Today it's hard to stay unaware of "fabulous" opportunities to make money on eBay. Looking at well-established online stores and auction websites, it's really difficult to resist the temptation of trying something like that yourself.

Registering on eBay

Well, the greatest benefit of selling at eBay is that it is truly popular. Can you imagine it having as much as 100 million members? In other words, once you list your product at their website, it automatically gets exposure to 100 million potential buyers!

Going further, eBay provides you with an opportunity to sell not only some new items you might be buying from a wholesaler, but also things you no longer need. There are actually many people who may get interested in buying used things or antique pieces you'll offer.

EBay provides you with perfect flexibility in terms of pricing. You can either set a fixed price on your product, or a starting bid price that will be increasing with every further bid. By setting a reserve price you'll make sure that your product won't get sold at a price that is not beneficial to you.

EBay is also very flexible in terms of product range. Here, you are allowed to sell the widest array of goods. Whether you are looking to sell a brand new cell phone obtained from a wholesaler, a used car, or an antique piece of furniture, you are welcome at a single website - eBay. So you can conveniently place all of that stuff at one place rather than roaming around looking for a website that is dealing with each type of products separately.

Make Money on eBay through Drop Shipping

One more advantage offered by eBay and widely used by e-sellers today are drop shipping opportunities. When arranged properly, this kind of business can be very lucrative. How does it work? You decide on a product to sell, find a reputable drop ship supplier (wholesaler), and arrange to work with them. You are listing their products online and are taking orders from customers. Then you will be sending money and orders to the wholesaler who than takes care of the delivery. As a result, your profit is determined by the difference in prices: you are taking money at a retail price, and sending a wholesale price sum.

Drop shipping makes a great choice for people who want to enter an online business but yet are afraid or reluctant to make a large investment into equipment, inventory, and deal with shipping issues.

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Tuesday, December 9, 2008

4 Tips to Master Your Multi Level Marketing Affiliate Program

By Asem Eltaher

What differs multi level marketing from affiliate marketing?

Affiliate marketing is a wonderful way to promote others products to a wide range of people. As someone views the affiliate website and selects the link to the distributor, any purchases that are made will provide an affiliate commission to the individual's affiliate website.

Multi level marketing work from home employment positions can be found in a variety of forms on the internet and in the classified section of a newspaper or magazine. It describes a money making system for selling products or services through a network of distributors.

Typically, network marketing business works through the recruitment of members into a wholesale company, who in turn, recruit more members. You earn an affiliate commission not only by referring people to a certain affiliate partner, but you also earn money online from the people referred by your referrals.

Discover 4 key tips to skyrocket your multi level marketing program.

1. Do you know the person behind the business?

To succeed in mlm affiliate marketing, it is really demanded to have a fair knowledge about the person in your upper line, who referred you to this program. This is especially true, if you have to convince others to join the program in your down line. Try to know him much better, use his successful story, and ask for his advertising experience to show your future down line that you can really help them.

2. A constant contact with your affiliates is a key factor.

In the field of mlm, a good contact with your affiliates (down line) can simply skyrocket your success. Your down line, or affiliates, are the source of cash for you and, therefore, keep a consistent and long-term contact with them.

Therefore, it's your role to lean an ear to their problems in, as an example, advertising their program, how to find a niche affiliate. This would consequently motivate your affiliates to refer more people to this program who will be registered under your down line as well and, therefore, makes you serious money online.

3. Hold training seminars and workshops regularly.

As the manager of a multi level marketing affiliate program, it is also your responsibility to seek the latest and best techniques and skills that could help your affiliates succeed in your whole empire. Once you've mastered a new technique, don't hesitate to contact your affiliates and hold a seminar or workshop. You can do this online or in person, depending on your affiliates' preferences and yours. Never forget that your success in multi level marketing depends on the success of your affiliates.

4. Show your affiliates well designed long-term plans.

Long-Term plans guarantee long-term success for your mlm home business. A proven formula to succeed online is to design a long-term plan how to switch to other network marketing companies in case your current company reached a dead end. This would increase your success and enable you to collect different experiences from different companies.

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Monday, December 8, 2008

Telecommuting - The High-Tech way to Earn a Living

By Jordan Dempsey

In lots of ways the internet had made a huge difference to out lives including where we choose to work from. Because of this, millions of people are taking the decision to work form home instead of taking the soul destroying journey to work each morning.

This fact has certainly provided enough opportunity for people to be employed even in the comfort of their own homes. Certainly, nobody would be thinking of being stuck in traffic again. That is why telecommuting, or earning from home, is one of the most popular jobs and careers that one can ever have.

Think again if you believe that telecommuting is not as stressful or as hard as doing your job from the office. Even though it has become really popular in recent times, telecommuting is also becoming more and more challenging. So, if you are thinking of a life of telecommuting, consider these ideas.

Act professional - Whether you are telecommuting or in the office, you will be required to provide the same level of professionalism. Estimates, deadlines and reports are required to be presented in the professional way no matter where you work form.

Show enthusiasm Take note of this. generally employers will be a little weary of telecommuting as they are not in a position to watch you. They may think that there are too many distractions in the home. Make sure you show extra enthusiasm at when working at home.

Downplay telecommuting aspect - When applying for the job, don' give the impression that you are attracted mainly by the telecommuting aspect of the job. In fact, don' discuss it as the main part of the interview. Leave it as a question to the interviewee at the end.

Be flexible Be prepared to be more flexible when telecommuting epically when it comes to schedules. Whereas at work, you have a certain set of tasks to complete at by the end of the day, at home you may have to schedule work outside of office hours.

Be sure to show your employer that you will be willing to be flexible with irregular hours when telecommuting. Although you may never have to work many irregular hours at all, it is important to show you are there when needed.

It is important to remember to that telecommuting is not as easy as it first sounds. .You will still have to perform to the same degree as you would at work, but nothing beats the comforts of working from your own home.

About the Author:

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Eat Chocolate, Lose Weight?

By Brian McCoy

The words chocolate and weight loss don't usually coincide. However, with the benefits of healthy chocolate, the two can now coexist.

You may have heard about the positive benefits that dark chocolate can have on your body. The idea is becoming more and more widespread. However, the chocolate that you purchase in stores is usually far from healthy. What is the difference? The unhealthy chocolate is full of sugars, fats, and artificial preservatives. This makes the chocolate unhealthy and bad for your overall health.

Another problem with traditional forms of chocolate is that a large percentage of its positive nutritional contents are lost during the heated manufacturing process. About 80% of the healthy antioxidants are destroyed during this process.

There is an alternative to the poorly manufactured dark chocolates available in retail stores today. A company named Xocai, a division of the MXI Corporation, is based out of Reno, Nevada. This company has made available to the market an all natural, nutritionally dense form of cacao. The cacao is allowed to preserve its nutritional value due to the manufacturing process. Instead of heating the cacao, it is cold pressed. This maintains the integrity of the chocolates' healthful benefits.

The company Xocai has brought to market 6 products. They are the X Powerhouse Cookie, X Power Squares, Omega Bars, Activ, a Protein Bar, and Nuggets. These products are made with unprocessed cacao powder and combined with the acai berry and blueberry for added taste. The products are full of healthful benefits such as flavonoids, antioxidants, high ORAC value, high fiber, and low sugars. They are safe for diabetics as well as vegetarians and vegans.

You might be asking yourself, "What does this have to do with me losing weight?" Studies are on the rise, including one from Japan, that conclude that the intake of cocoa may combat weight gain. Although there are several factors leading to this, two of the most helpful for weight loss are gene regulation and the potential mood elevating effects of cocoa. The helpful chemicals from these studies suggest that because you may feel more energetic, it will lead to increased exercise, and result in weight loss.

It's true that there are several biochemical responses taking place, but on top of that you are also consuming a healthier, more organic form of chocolate. For example, if you ingest a form of healthy dark chocolate instead of a Milky Way bar, what would you think that the difference would be? Not only is the healthy dark chocolate low in sugar, fat, and calories, but it is also high in fiber, antioxidants, ORAC value, and flavonoids. This is a stark contrast to the unhealthy Milky Way bar.

Fortunately, you don't have to sacrifice taste either. The healthy dark chocolate products marketed by Xocai are reported to be very tasty. There are many positive testimonials from product users that make taking a look at the products worth your time.

About the Author:

Saturday, December 6, 2008

ACN - Review

By Brian Turk

ACN was founded by the following four individuals, Robert Stevanovski, Mike Cupisz, Tony Cupisz and Greg Provenzano back in 1993. In their first year as a Multi-Level Marketing (MLM) company they achieved revenues of nearly 2 million dollars. The ACN company headquarters is located in Farmington Hills, Michigan.

The ACN telecommunications based company offers products like long distance phone service plans, digital phone service, wireless phone plans and Internet Services. The Internet services give you the option between dial-up, or DSL - high speed. However, most people today choose the DSL - high speed option over the dial-up. The business receives many great reviews, and testimonials with all of their products.

The ACN (MLM) business uses the traditional multi-level compensation plan. As soon as you acquire your first customer as an ACN Independent Representative, you will receive commissions from that customer as long as they continue to use ACN Telecommunications services. The ACN payout is roughly around 15 to 20% on every dollar spent on their products. Your income grows significantly as you recruit new customers and new Independent Representatives.

The ACN members sometimes have a difficult time, since this type of technology business have many competitors to overcome, in order to make a nice income. Some people do fine with this type of multi-level compensation plan, but many tend to struggle in order to maintain an attractive residual income.

This business is like any other business though, meaning in order to be successful you would need to play full on and give it your 100%. In conclusion, the ACN business opportunity does have some very nice products. However, I found it difficult to produce a healthy income, since there is so much competition with their products. Plus, it would take many sales in order to start seeing the money you could make with far less sales.

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Friday, December 5, 2008

Tax Payer Revolt: What's In It For You?

By Terry A. Sacia

If you are tired of paying taxes and still struggling to make ends meet while the government spends money on crazy programs that you can perceive zero value in, then stop paying taxes! Okay, so you probably shouldn't just stop paying taxes altogether since tax evasion is something the U.S. Government takes very seriously. So here's my disclaimer: I was just kidding you! But there are tax laws that were written to help you keep more of your money working for your family. The number one way to do that is by starting a home business.

But you don't have time. You don't have investment capital. You ... just don't know what you don't know. The tax advantages of operating a home business can save your family thousands of dollars every year EVEN IF YOUR HOME BUSINESS DOESN'T MAKE ANY PROFIT. There are thousands of excellent home business options that cost little or nothing to start. If you need inspiration, enter "network marketing business ventures" in a Google search. If you have a child, own a car, use a phone, go to the bathroom, have a computer, and so on, there is money to be made.

HIRE YOUR CHILD: Give your child a legitimate job in your home business. They can do research, print fliers, sort mail, or whatever other age appropriate task you can give them. You can put your child on your payroll TAX FREE to both you and your child. You merely have to limit their income to something close to $5,000 annually. The catch is that you really have to pay them, but then it will be their responsibility to buy trendy clothes, purchase special food treats, pay for transportation, school tuition, and gymnastics, et cetera. We're not suggesting they begin paying for their normal care, but many extra's they want in life can become their own responsibility.

NEVER GO ON ANOTHER VACATION: Every time you get more than 75 miles from home, you could legally be on a business trip. Make sure you do business though. If you have invested in a network marketing business, surely, there must be some people at Disney World or Universal Studios who would love to know about this unique business opportunity.

STOP RUNNING ERRANDS IN YOUR CAR: If you need to go to the store, do something business-related and write off each mile. Maybe you are running low on paper or pens for your business office or maybe you need to pick up a few more leads off the bulletin board.

GIVE UP YOUR PERSONAL CELL PHONE: It is now your business phone, so make sure to use it when doing business. There may be some catches with this deduction so plan accordingly. For instance, do you have a personal phone number at home? If not then your ONLY phone number must surely be for personal use.

5) TURN YOUR GUEST ROOM INTO A BUSINESS CENTER: Now that you have an office at home, make sure you have got gas, electricity, lawn service, a supply of coffee, and someone to pay a rental payment to.

This is information is just the tip of the iceberg. The advantages of a owning and operating a home business are far too numerous to mention in this article, and besides, you have got things to do. There is a network marketing company with a product or service that you would love to let other people know about that is waiting for the opportunity to change your life. Go find it, and then tell Uncle Sam that he's not getting quite as big of a Christmas gift this year.

About the Author:

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Cash Gifting Training Process

By Kelly Moen

There are a lot of people that have made money with gifting programs. Cash gifting has been used for along time in generating wealth and improving on your financial standards. One of the quickest ways of having a free cash flow is through the use of magnetic cash gifting program. The programs offer opportunities to anyone who can access a computer and it has advantages in that there is training of the programs offered online.

In the past, several cash gifting systems have been applied by people in different parts of the world to make wealth. These systems have worked well, but like with many other man-made systems, need constant reviewing and upgrading. The magnetic cash gifting was introduced after thorough research and testing taking into account the weaknesses of other cash gifting systems, and its application has seen prayer answered.

Cash gifting training process takes a relatively short time which is very convenient to the trainees. Magnetic cash gifting operates under very real, sure and practical principles. Giving cheerfully and expecting to receive more in return is one of the principles.

Cash gifting training process is really simple, funny, and convenient. Training of magnetic cash gifting is carried out by highly experienced experts who are the monumental beneficiaries of the gifting system. Membership requirements are minimal as the only basic qualification is internet handling, counting of money and general literacy.

Over 40, 000 over 9 countries have undergone the training on magnetic cash gifting programs and this is a proof and a good testimony that training is fast and takes a very short time. A registered member is always given what is necessary for cash harvesting from day one of training and they will be capable of making of up to $3,500 and more on the first trial of the system.

Cash gifting training process is mostly done through video lessons which can be downloaded or can be viewed using other means. Learning instructional materials are also offered to ensure successful marketing techniques and strategies. During training, the members are put through a comfortable cozy experience that leaves them satisfied. Close supervision and evaluation of trainee's progress is monitored.

The trainees are adequately prepared to initiate into the gifting world and get money without much a do. Training is carried out in easy and plain language that doesn't need any translations to avoid misunderstanding. Magnetic cash training does not have anything difficult to understand.

The simplicity, effectiveness and efficiency of magnetic cash gifting is clearly proven in training as well as in its practice. The successful achievements of financial freedom and security have proved it as a reliable system.

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Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Live-In Housekeepers: Keys To An Easier Life

By Alice Sy

Live-in housekeepers are sprouting in many homes. This is because more and more people are coming to realize the convenience of having a full time help at home. Besides that, there are many other reasons why it becomes a practical need to employ the services of live-in housekeepers.

Unfortunately, not everyone can afford the services of live-in housekeepers. In the United States, it is very expensive to maintain a live-in housekeeper. Nonetheless, for those who are able to manage the financial aspect of hiring one, there is nothing better than to have a hired help at home.

If you want to hire a full time, live-in housekeeper, it may be wise to interview applicants before selecting one. You can also conduct a background check of them to be sure that you are employing someone dependable and trustworthy. Remember that your live-in housekeeper will be staying in your house most of the time.

Basic interview questions should deal with the following: number of years they have served in the housekeeping business, the names of their employers, the reasons why they left their work, and so on. It is also important that you let them know of your expectations of them, including the salary and the benefits that they will be receiving from you.

Another thing you should be asking your potential candidates is how they feel about cleaning, cooking, taking care of the children, and so on. Then listen intently to their answers; look them in the eye, so you will know if they are sincere or if they are, indeed, telling the truth.

It may also be a good thing to ask them to fill out a sort of application form, too, requiring them to state their full name, address, contact number, social security number, reference names and phone number. You should also check the validity of their work visa.

Performing a background check on your choice of live-in housekeepers can prove to be very difficult. There are certain agencies, though, that can help you with this, but you will need to shell out some money to pay for their services. Nonetheless, this will leave you stress-free in the end.

These guide questions are very practical and necessary in order for you to spot the best live-in housekeepers for your home. Keep in mind that if there is somebody else besides your family who will live under the same roof as you, she'd better be somebody you can depend on.

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