Monday, November 12, 2007

Getting Cash From Your Hard Drive

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Do you have a Hard drive full of Private Label Rights products and don't know what to do with them? If you have ever signed up for a free event, chances are you do.
Now what do you do with them?
You can turn those items into cash! The fact is these items will make you money if you use them correctly.

All you need is a little creativity to get started.

So how do you make money with these items?
Most of them can be re-sold as is and you will make some money.
But the problem here is that everyone else who downloaded will be trying to do the same.
You have to be creative in order to stand out from the rest of the crowd.

Bundle some of your products for a higher perceived value.
People love getting a deal. If you offer them a better deal ,they will buy.
Add different graphics. This way your customers won't be immune to what you are offering.

Take an ebook you have Private Label Rights to and break it down into articles.
Add it to your auto-responder as a short course.
Always add your signature file to anything you submit.

Make a bonus page by offering some items you are an affiliate of. You can add this to your Private Label Rights ebook and start getting sales from the back end.

Give your customers free, useful information and they will remember it.

Go to some forums that cater to your item and ask questions. Don't be afraid to answer some questions to. If it is allowed on the forum,add you signature file to all questions and answers.
Use your blogs to write reviews on the item you are marketing.

Once you start seeing some sales, start with another product you have.
Soon you will have plenty of sales.

Be creative and soon you will be Getting Cash From Your Hard Drive!

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