Sunday, August 9, 2009

Use Article Submission To Get Ahead

By Jannie Strickland

Looking for a new way to increase business and get more organic traffic to your website? Article submission can be one of the most effective internet marketing tactics if you know how to do it. By submitting well written articles to article directories, you can increase awareness to your products and company quickly.

When you're going to be submitting your articles to sites like ezine articles, you'll want to make sure that your articles are the very best that you can make them. When people submit articles written by others without thoroughly checking the articles out, you can end up with a real mess on your hands. If you're using article submitting software or have an article submitter working for you, make sure you're both on the same page.

It is a waste of time and effort when you leave these important details to a novice. Get to the point with your articles. If you're submitting ezine articles, you should start out by checking out content of like articles. You may find that many of the articles on the site are filled with fluff. Make sure your articles are substantive.

If you, yourself, would not read the article, it's time to trash can it and start over. Article submission can breathe life into your site but it can also drive a nail in the coffin if you're not careful.

Fill your articles with stimulating, relevant material. If the information isn't pertinent to your site, don't include it. Use your best judgment when using slang or colloquialisms. What's funny to you may be offensive to others.

You can create great back links through your article submissions. Make sure to always include a resource box with a catchy phrase or bit of information that will draw viewers to click your link. Make sure you're not using something generic like" click here for more information." You need to catch the readers' sense of curiosity to get them to visit your site.

By submitting your articles to article directories, you'll get the most for your search engine optimization efforts. The biggest directories include ezine articles and goarticles. There are many more that you can submit to, but this is a good starting point. Make sure that the article directories that you're submitting to are reputable directories. The worst mistake you could make would be to associate your good name with a shady forum.

Choose the right words and the right key word density and you'll be on the right track. Many people don't think about their article titles. It's easy to just throw a few words together and hit submit, but you need to give careful consideration to your titles. If someone is presented with a long list of articles on any given topic, they're likely to browse quickly for the titles that most grab their attention.

Article submission is a great tool and marketing tactic to use to get people where you want them, to your site. Use back links to create buzz and get the most from your marketing efforts. Be sure to be clear with what you say and say it well and your articles will help increase traffic to your site exponentially.

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