Making money online in a home based business can be both a lot of fun and very profitable. Before you get started you'll want to have some ideas of how you are going to market your new business. These are some basic ideas of how to market using some no cost and low cost methods.
You will be able to find several places online where you can place free classified ads. If you Google "free online classified ads" you'll be surprised how many you'll find. A word of caution, follow the guidelines of each site or you'll lose the opportunity to continue with them.
Personal contact marketing costs very little and can be very rewarding. As you go through your day simply listen to what others are saying. When you hear someone complaining about their hours at work or the long commute give them a business card and tell them that you might have something for them. Wait for them to contact you, don't ever chase people. If you see them at a later time you might want to follow up, but don't chase them.
Flyers are a very low cost method as well. A "flyer" is the size of a business card and has a very simple message. "This card could be worth $$$$$$$$$ in the next year, to find out more visit". Busy malls and office complexes are the best place to distribute flyers, place them between the window and rubber on the driver's side door, right above the door handle so they'll be sure to see it when the get in.
"Bandit" signs are also very inexpensive and can be an effective method to use. These are plastic corrugated signs which are on metal "H" stands. Again a simple message like "CEO Income from home visit" Place these signs at busy intersections where there is likely to be some traffic backup so that passersby will have time to notice them.
Newspapers offer a low cost method of advertising when you consider the number of people you will reach. Choose a demographic which you feel comfortable with. You'll want to keep the circulation below 200,000 for the best value price-wise.
You might decide to use magazine advertising. This is relatively low cost and can be very powerful. Keep in mind that a lot of people don't throw magazines away for a long time so they have a longer time for people to see your ad and respond.
I hope these free marketing tips will be helpful to you. I will be covering more ideas in future articles. I wish you much success and happiness.
About the Author:
If you would like to learn more about George L. Kenney or for more information about our Marketing Mentor Program please visit at
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